Babelfish Migration Solution

MS SQL to Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL

Why Babelfish?

Migrating to Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL – a modern, open-source database platform – ensures your system’s compatibility with future technologies and trends, thereby reducing the risk of obsolescence.

Advantages of transitioning from MS SQL Server to Babelfish

Improve price performance and predictable pricing for I/O-intensive applications, as well as the following benefits:

By migrating to Babelfish, organizations can reduce costs associated with licensing and maintenance of Microsoft SQL Server.
Opportunity to design and develop database agnostic application patterns.
Opportunity to adopt open-source, Cloud-based and purpose-built database systems.
Babelfish Migration Solution Architecture Diagram

Advantages of using Babelfish instead of directly adopting Aurora PostgreSQL

Babelfish significantly reduces complexity, effort and risk during database migrations, as well as the following benefits:

Babelfish understands T-SQL, Microsoft SQL Server’s SQL dialect, and supports the same communications protocol.
Babelfish seamlessly integrates with your existing Microsoft Database drivers.
Babelfish significantly minimizes the effort required for application re-development, compared to directly adopting Aurora PostgreSQL.

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